Nursing shirts & torture by belly rubs

I was nauseous this morning!!! Today marks approximately 11 dpo. Is that enough to get morning sickness? It wasn’t bad, but definitely queasiness. I have never been so happy to feel ill! It started in the car on my way to work, approximately 45 minutes into my day. It only lasted about 30 minutes.
Yesterday we went to go see a “Cats & Dogs.” It had just come out so we had to purchase tickets for later in the afternoon because all the early shows were sold out. To waste time, we went to the mall. Walking through the cosmetics sections of the stores really bothered me. I could almost taste the lingering perfumes. Has my sense of smell improved? In the back of my head—Isn’t that a sign of pregnancy? While there, we passed a Motherhood Maternity. Well, I mustered up the courage to go in and was pleasantly surprised when DH came in too. I came across some nursing shirts in my size (I am larger than your average woman) on a sale rack and ended up purchasing two of them. One is lavender with short sleeves that are about 1 ½ times the size of tank top sleeves. It only cost me $6.99! The other is yellow and a regular t-shirt style that cost $9.99. Both have slits on the sides and have one slit down the middle on the inside. I really like them! And I know that when I really need them I will probably not be able to find my size or they would be way too expensive.
I had prepared an answer to “When are you due?” before I entered the store. I would have liked to have played around and pretended to be pregnant, but I didn’t want to jinx myself anymore than I am already doing. Besides, my husband was with me. I decided to just say that I was purchasing a gift, if asked. Of course, at the counter, the lady asked me if I wanted to be put on the mailing list. I said okay and gave her my info. Then she asked me my due date and I gave her my prepared answer. She must have really wondered why I wanted to be on the mailing list if I was only there buying a gift! Giggle.
So, we went to see the movie and it was crowded! And wouldn’t you know it, a very pregnant woman sat beside me. I was tortured by her constant belly rubs throughout the movie. Darrell didn’t even notice! Later that evening, after the fireworks, we sat in our car and waited for the mad rush to leave. We were watching people walk by with all their stuff and their cute little kids. One by one, about three different pregnant women walked by. After the third one, Darrell commented, “Haven’t there been a lot of pregnant women around lately?” I am SO glad it wasn’t just me! My gosh, ½ of the city must be pregnant!! Is it a sign? Or am I just being tortured by the fertility gods?! Aaahhhh! I am going nuts! I can’t wait until Sunday morning. I am going to be SO disappointed if I am not pregnant!
Sam had a cardiologist appointment today. It turns out that he has an extra blood vessel going into his heart. Strange, but apparently it isn’t too serious. He just needs a yearly appointment to monitor it. I am so glad he is okay! He was very cute and happy today. Amanda left to go visit her Dad today. I miss her already.