A fun way to learn to read!

I have been searching and searching for a good learning to read program that starts at the very beginning. For the young toddler. I have spent money on a few things that were too advanced and had to shelve them. I spent yesterday searching the web and found a few sample printable books but I wanted MORE. I want something interactive- engaging- fun. Not just schoolish books, even though those have their use. I finally gave up the search and asked on one of my private boards. And I received a link to the perfect website. Starfall.
Bren loves Starfall! It is animated, musical, fantastically enjoyable and totally educational. Along with learning to identify individual letters and their sounds, he gets to see animated pictures of words that begin with that letter and how the letter fits into the written word of the picture. All while laughing at silly antics. He also can practice writing each letter with high quality printable pages (available in both block or pre-cursive style prints). This website goes on to teach word families with videos, games and printable books and goes beyond the basics to more advanced reading too. Totally cool and absolutely free.

First 5 word sentence

Brendan just looked at me and shouted out of the blue, “Mimi! Mimi’s at home with Boppa!” LOL! I do believe that is a FIVE word sentence! WooHoo!
He also calls airplanes “skies”. It’s so cute! 😉
We harvested our first large red ripe tomato two days ago. It was so yummy!!!
I cheated on my diet on the night of my anniversary and the next morning I was up 5 pounds! Grrr! I couldn’t believe it. It’s coming off again, but I still have 2 more to go. Perhaps AF’s visit had something to do with it also.