HPT pic

This morning’s HPT was too faint to scan so I took another one. #2 came out a tad darker but the picture is still not very clear. Beta pregnancy test is at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!

5 thoughts on “HPT pic

  1. I posted a comment and it did not show up! A line is a line, Jen! I see the line, it’s faint but it’s there! Some women are slow producers at the hormone, but I think your faint line is a BFP!! Keep us all posted!!! I am praying for you guys!

  2. I posted a comment and it did not show up! A line is a line, Jen! I see the line, it’s faint but it’s there! Some women are slow producers at the hormone, but I think your faint line is a BFP!! Keep us all posted!!! I am praying for you guys!

  3. Yes!! Jen I am so happy for you both!!!!
    THANK THE LORD!! We’re both pregnant! What are the odds huh?? 😀 I just can’t believe it. I’m still in shock. I have a very light second line as well, I took it tonight at 7:00 pm. I’ll take my second one again tomorrow morning. **Thinking sticky thoughts for both of us!!!**
    P.S. I went to Walmart and got two matching Christmas stockings, one normal sized, and one mini sized. I pinned the mini one to the front of the big one and that’s my stocking this year ;).
    I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow morning! Keep us posted!

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