Beach trip

We had a great time in Port Aransas!! Our resort room at the Sandcastle was huge and had a long balcony with a nice view of the ocean! We all had a wonderful time! Brendan even learned to swim without anyone holding him in his floatie suit and arm floaties. He looked like he was jogging in the water, lol. He was totally enamored the whole trip- from the ferry ride to the beach to the waves in the ocean to feeding the seagulls off our balcony to swimming by himself in the pool! If we even rolled over in bed he’d pop awake with a grin on his face and the first words out of his mouth were always “go to the beach!” By nightfall, he’d curl up beside me on the couch and fall asleep, utterly exhausted.

We are headed to Mimi & Boppa’s for a bit. Last trip before kiddo 2 arrives. I hit 30 weeks today- 3/4 done!!! Wheee!! 😀

3rd tri symptoms

I guess the 3rd trimester is really upon me now. Yesterday, I had swollen hands by midday and swollen feet last night. Sigh. And after several days of going all night without having to pee, I peed 3x last night!
Yesterday was our labor marathon class. We sure were tired and butt-sore by the end of the day. It was worth going to but I was very dissapointed in the small amount of labor coping positions and techniques practiced. Apparently 90% of moms get epidurals so they gear the class more for that. Oh, well. Had my first bout of “can’t seem to catch my breath” during it. I remember that from last pregnancy and it is disconcerting. I did get some good personal talk about VBAC issues with the instructor/RN though. She says the VBAC pendulum is swinging- and not the right way- but right now the hospital goes with the doctor’s wishes.
I am really tired today. What’s it been? 10 days? 2 weeks? It picked a good day since it’s a lazy day with very little planned.
Brendan was very sweet and fun last night. We sat on the couch together. He had found a ball of plasti-tack and I made him a circular rope out of it. He had lots of fun roping my fingers and toes and saying “In the [name of the] hundred-acre wood, I capture you!” That’s straight out of Pooh’s Heffalump Movie. Then I put the circle on my nose and he copied me and made pig noises.
Why are pointless moments like these so fun… and so seldom? I think I stay too busy. :/
Beach getaway coming up next!

Embarrassing story

OMG! Today was sooo funny!
My MIL and I took Brendan to a play place in the mall that was totally full of those huge inflatable jumping castles and slides. He was -><- this much too small to climb up in them! Heehee- he needed a butt boost every time. Then he got in a big cave like one that ends in a big slide and he couldn't climb up the ladder-like thing to get up to the slide. DH wasn't with us. Guess what I got to do?! It was so hard, but I climbed through the long tunnel entrance, over and under various inflated obstacles and up that ladder thing (way over my head) 7 months pregnant, one-handed, lugging an almost 40 pound toddler with a little 4 year old girl right behind me telling the other kids she thought I was too big the entire time. And when I slid down my shirt went flying up and I exposed my entire bra front to the public. I died. But I think it was more of exhaustion than embarrassment. Lol. But it was worth it to see Brendan so happy.

Make your own boppy

Here is a site on how to make your own “Boppy” type breastfeeding pillow. Especially helpful for moms like me who can’t seem to fit into any currently in existence. I love the idea of a slip-on tube cover with open ends.
Mimi is coming! Mimi is coming! She’s on her way! She’s bringing Bren a new Pooh movie and they’re going to make cupcakes together on Saturday while DH and I slip away to our day long labor class. Looking forward to some couple time!! Then on Monday night we have the breastfeeding class and Tuesday morning we are off for our beach vacation!! Wheeeeeee!