Andy claps his hands now!! It’s kind of wild looking but there! He also snaps his fingers (without the “snap” though, lol). He is getting really close to crawling but he’s pretty quick with the belly scoot now. He is also fully into size 18 month clothes- I packed the 12 month clothes away yesterday- and is getting close to needing size 4 cruisers. Did I mention he popped out his 2 center top teeth? Can’t remember.
So far, okay on the diarrhea. He did have one questionable diaper today but also a good one and yesterday he was fine. He is drinking from a Nuby soft spouted sippy now. You have to be careful how you assemble it- the spout has to be just right in the 2 side notches and it be tightened not loose but not tight either or it leaks. It’s pretty much a bottle with a different shape but from the public eye I guess it is a cup. Baby steps.
Going to the in-laws for a long weekend. I’m trying to convince myself to stick to the diet while away but I’m not being successful so far. :/ One fried chicken meal with a really rich dessert would be heaven right about now. LOL.
We use the Nuby cups too. They really are only nominally different from bottles. Yet we view them to be so entirely different. I find that funny. Anyway I don’t assemble them as precisely as you do and never had problems. However, I did have to use a knife to open up the holes in it a bit more–it was too hard to get the liquid out!