My suspicions on ovulation

I had a distinct sharp pain from my left ovary right before the IUI and one not long after it. It wasn’t until the next morning that my right side hurt- and it hurt a lot more, but for about 1/2 hour, not just a sharp pain or two. My guess is that I ovulated and then ovulated again 24 hours later?? Hmmm… I wonder how possible that is.
I’ve gained over 5 pounds since I went off Atkins… sheesh, it has only been just over a week. I’m hoping a few pounds is water weight from the Clomid or something.
I’m really feeling the pressure to get all the Christmas stuff done. To save money, a person usually makes handmade gifts and my “to make” list is long… dipped apples such as chocolate caramel toffee (about 40), apple, banana & orange-cranberry breads (about 15), butter pecan cookie bars (3 pans), decorated dipped caramels (2 or 3 bags)….
I made 2 batches of vanilla bean sugar and WOW the smell is not anything like I thought it would be. Kind of gross actually and I am disappointed. Those vanilla beans cost me $22!!!
At least most of my shopping is done. And I don’t have to worry too much about schooling right now even though I know the more we do now, the less I have to do when a baby comes.
I just need to keep on trucking I guess. Hopefully being busy will keep me from going too crazy in this 2ww. Frankly, I suck at waiting.