I am on cycle day 17. My cycles average out to about 34 days. So if I ovulate 10-16 days prior to this, I need to BD between days 18 and 24. Of course that’s if this cycle isn’t short or long. Groan. I really need a fertility monitor! If this cycle doesn’t end with me pregnant, I am going to find the money for one. It seems a waste to buy ovulation predictor kits for me because I’d go through a bunch with my irregular cycles. Boy, am I getting antsy now!
I must say that the time between needing to BD often (now) up to the time when you can test is my favorite part of the cycle. I hate the few days after a negative test. “Failed” is all I can think of. I am glad the day you begin to menstruate is CD # 1. I know it’s psychological, but it seems more like a fresh start instead of a bad ending.
We spent a nice weekend up at the in-laws. I love how time slows up there. I adore sitting on their deck in a cool evening breeze, doing nothing but petting the cats and dogs as they come up to you and looking at the pretty flowers Waynell grows. I found some great M&M fabric up there and I am ready to start a baby quilt. I am new to quilting but I have thought a lot about how I’m going to make it (as easy as possible!) and I am ready to give it a try. The pattern of triangles ends up creating diamonds. I think I can machine quilt around the diamonds, leaving long ends. Then, I can take the threads and put them in a needle and bury a knot into the quilt, like they do in hand quilting. I’ll get the ease of machine sewing and wonderful straight lines. I found a neat sewing technique on the net that allows me to just cut squares and sew them in two places, cut between the seams, and then end up with two pieces completed. In the picture, the blue is small M&M candies print. The yellow is pretty big M&M characters print. The red is a rainbow print.
I offered to baby-sit a few evenings in exchange for Sam’s bassinet and swing. Both are like new. It wouldn’t cost me anything but time. They buy really nice stuff and I would rather have nice, slightly used stuff than new, cheap stuff.