to do list

Friday- Make chocolate covered cherries & pecan caramel pretzels (my creative things this year) as gifts. Find 2 last gifts I need.
Saturday- bake 10 dozen cookies (in a TOASTER OVEN Wheee!) Ghiradelli shortbread with chocolate centers and either sugar or oatmeal. Ends the coworkers gifts.
Sunday- A friend’s GIANT Christmas party bash. He lives 2 hours away so it’ll take all afternoon and evening.
Monday- Make gingerbread house walls (in same toaster oven) for homeschooling group’s party. It’s BYO walls. LOL. And 1 kind of candy. And a gift. And an appetizer… oh yeah, MAKE the appetizer.
Tuesday- HSing Christmas party. 3 hours in the afternoon. Laundry!
Wednesday- New stove gets delivered. The irony… but huzzah! It’s been 6 months since I’ve had an oven!! More laundry!
Thursday- sleep in haha. Maybe start packing. Definitely make something in new oven. Any votes?? Finish wrapping presents. Coordinate which ones go where and when.
Friday- Make my Aunt’s gifts. She collects snowmen so I bought her 2 snowman shaped muffin tins. I am going to make her 2 dry mixes- 1 of my famous sweet cornbread and then a cranberry pecan one.
Saturday- DH’s work’s snazzy jazzy Chriostmas party. Complete with baby-sitter. :jump for joy: Also, take down the Christmas lights (we don’t want Mickey and Minnie stolen while we’re gone for a week) and pack for trip. Give gift to neighbor and ask him to get our mail for next week.
Sunday- Spend morning with grandparents and a few other family members and do a small group gift exchange. Travel ALL the rest of the day and maybe into the next morning. That’s if everything and body fits in the car. 😛

One thought on “to do list

  1. Hi Jen – Go to and put a hold on your mail. Just enter your zip code…address and the date that you want the mail held and then the date you want it delivered. All your stuff shows up in the mailbox on the day you want. I do it all the time when we are gonna be gone for the weekend, etc.
    Hope you have a wonderful week…and a fabulous Christmas! Oh yeah….and I vote on some kinda of muffins for you to bake in your oven. Be sure to ship some to South Carolina! :o)

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